Is America being Torn Apart By Civil Unrest!

Is America being Torn Apart By Civil Unrest!

This has been the worst period in the history of the United States of America! Immigration, Clinton Foundation Scandal, Hillary Cover up, Emails deleted, Classified emails shared on an un-certified Server, Cheating, False Statements, DOJ Corruption, FBI Corruption, Voter fraud, White House cover-ups, Obama’s New World Order and more!

I am ashamed to be called an American anymore. I grew up in Florida in the 1950-60’s and we had respect for The American Flag, The Lords Prayer, Our National Anthem and our love of God and Country. We joined the Military when our nation was in danger, and we freely give our time, and lives to make sure that those of us that lived afterward had the freedoms, and blessing of our great nation! We stood for God, family and our religion of choice.  Yes, there was the period where Martin Luther King stood up and made our great nation even stronger by his sacrifice! Yet, if you look at his genius, he did this against great odds and he did not belittle himself or kill anyone because he was a man of conviction! He sacrificed his life that you the African-Americans of today can enjoy your freedoms!

But, you African-Americans feel that you are owed something in return, but, Why? What have you as an individual sacrificed for your country, nothing, but who wants everything! You kill each other openly in Chicago every weekend, yet I do not hear you going out in the streets protesting this! You had rather keep the old mentality and blame someone else, especially, a policeman or a white guy. That is your easy cop-out for creating a mob scene.

What has the Democratic Party ever done for the American Blacks? You speak about racial equality when you are the precise ones, along with the News Media that claim that all acts of violence are someone else’s fault. If you can name one thing that the Democratic party has done for you; let it be known; otherwise you are still a slave in bondage by that same Party you vote for and keep in office year after year!

This post is not against anyone, regardless of your color, heritage or culture. The point being made is this; you have a CHOICE! Stay where you are in your own little self-centered world; or stand-up and make a difference, change your lives and prosper. It takes you to decide, no-one can make your choice except you, and then you must live with the results!

Ask your self, self what has Obama done for me? Has my life improved, do I make more money, is Obama Care working, can you pay the premiums he has forced on you and your family? Will you accept Muslims taking over your towns, cities, and states? Will you allow those Muslims that have been brought into your hometowns to change your laws, so that you will be governed not by the Constitution of the United States, But by Sharia law? If you agree with this then you are in the right place at the right time for this to happen to you!

We are now being over-run with Muslims who are protesting everything that is American when they complain they are offended by what is our heritage, our flag, our Constitution, and Liberals are agreeing with them and for what reason? Has America become a land of hate and where Dreamers want a free ride and we the hard working Americans just tolerate it and say it’s ok! Is America Being Torn Apart?

America you have turned away from being “One Nation Under God” and you have brought this crisis upon yourselves. President Trump wants to help all Americans but you do not want to listen, you prefer Mob action, rioting, looting and killing each other for your own self-reward. America you need to come to your senses, investigations into every aspect of President Trump’s life before and after his election will not change the fact that he was duly elected to be President of the United States of America.

Our Government is made up of three different branches; The Executive Branch, The Department of Justice and the Congress (House of Representatives and Senate) yet, a single Federal Judge can make a ruling that is applied all across the USA and this brings about questions as to who has authority over the people or who represents who? The President represents the American People and that means all of you! You do not need to like him, but he is your President. If you think he is a failure in 2020 vote him out, rather than destroy our great nation! By your destructive ways, you are asking for Civil War, and that will not be tolerated in the USA! Patience is a virtue but destruction of private property is breaking the law!

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Posted by on 09/17/2017 in Civil Unrest, Politics, The Face of Evil


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Coming to America Trained Assassins Near to you!!

Coming to America Trained Assassins Near to you!!

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Coming to America Trained Assassins Near to you!!

Are you aware of the inner workings of terrorist training base camps operating in El Salvador as well the planned influx of MS-13 trained assassins into the United States which was accomplished with the oversight of DHS. These forces will soon come into prominence in the coming weeks and months. We are going to see violence in this country on an unprecedented scale just as we are seeing in Europe with the Muslim immigration, the local police will be powerless to act because they are ultimately controlled by federal agencies like DHS who will roadblock normal law enforcement. I am telling you it is hard to not believe that the real goal is to perpetuate massive civil unrest so that more formal uses of governmental power can be brought to bear against and potential American dissident movement which has really mushroomed since the beginning of the Trump candidacy

My purpose for writing to you today is to let you know that I have contact with DOJ and in particular many FBI officials as a result of daily activities. I have to watch my ass and it is not as it was two years ago when we first communicated. I am determined to see the release of certain information prior to the election because I believe you and others are correct when you say, the criminal cabal that seems to have taken over key positions in our government are poised to change America and my children and yours will have to try and survive what is coming and then they will have live in this shit hole.  I am playing this very close to the vest. Responding to this email will be pointless as all of our future conversations will have to remain one-sided but I am not writing anything that I do not want to be released. Please release everything I am sending to you.

To a person, my colleagues feel betrayed by the present FBI Director and Attorney General, but I am telling you that Obama is controlling the activities through his appointed CIA operatives who have infiltrated the DOJ as well as military, generally, and the FBI, specifically. The tone of the influence is decidedly pro-“Radical” Muslim and anti-American in the traditional sense. This undue influence often seeks to perpetuate the activities of those people of privilege who seem to be beyond the reach of traditional law enforcement. Their activities include gun running and drug dealing. This has reached into your area because Maricopa County Sheriff Joe will be/is the victim of election fraud because the certain people want him out because he will not look the other way when it comes to cartel drug activity in Arizona which is key because Arizona is a border state.

Your reporting of the corrupt voting machines in your area seems to be correct but Arpaio is more of a target than Trump because he is an impediment to drug trafficking in your area. You have to remember that your Sheriff was at one time one of us, so we know what we are seeing. Yes- I am saying that Obama’s DOJ is protecting the drug dealers by going after Arpaio. The persecution of the Sheriff has nothing to do with the violations of the civil rights of immigrants and has everything to do with his refusal to cooperate with the Obama administration by looking the other way when it comes to both cartel and the intertwined activities of terrorists that have crossed our borders in great numbers since 2010.

Most will never know who these people are until they act. They live among us, work with us and their children even go to school our children. When they are arrested, DHS shows up to intervene and the issue is cloaked under the guise of racial prejudice and border agents and local law enforcement who are over-stepping their bounds. The police are so discouraged that they have basically given up.  This is actually a case of thinly disguised criminal enterprise corruption and DHS always runs the interference. This is a lot of what you see in these inexplicable catch and release activities. The bigger the drug and gun fish that is apprehended, the quicker they are released to repeat the same actions.

A case in point from the past: Do you remember when Congressman Bridenstine tried to enter a holding facility for immigrants at Ft. Sill during the 2014 immigration crisis and he was told by DHS to come back and make an appointment? DHS was attempting to shield what was truly going on which was the introduction of foreign operatives into mainstream America. West African terrorists are also coming across our border with bad intentions, not just people from Central America and the Middle East. I have every indication that these forces are ready to unleash massive waves of destruction in our country as their drug activities have increased exponentially in the past several months. They are raising money for purposes that extend far beyond mere living expenses.

You have written that you expect the left to unleash terror attacks should Mrs. Clinton not win the election through whatever means is at her disposal. You are correct, but I think this may be a moot point.  Speaking of Mrs. Clinton, the Foundation is the most criminal enterprise organization on the face of the earth. They avoid detection because of the use of their shell corporations which gives them at least 2-3 degrees of separation.

When the President of the Philippines executed thousands of drug dealers he was upsetting the balance of trade in the drug industry and I believe he was cutting into Foundation activities. This is why Obama was going to Manila to personally speak with him until Obama was attacked with a tirade of insults and name-calling by this newly elected President. This politician will not be in power for long. The CIA has a way of taking the massive protests that we see in the news and turning it on whomever, they want to displace. The people of the Philippines are protesting the military presence in the Philippines today but this could be turned into revolutionary force tomorrow. This is why this rogue President is moving towards  aligning with China and you have picked up on that in an article I read. This President is looking for protection and he should be.

The world war that is coming has a lot to do with drug wars, not just Syria. There are clear divisions in the world that are firming up along these lines and it would be a mistake to ignore these developments.

The DEA is just as corrupted as the FBI, as we are still honoring our under-the-table agreement with the Sinolas in which we agree to only interdict 20% of the drug shipments into the United States in exchange for some unknown amount of intelligence information. How many terrorist cells do you think we are knowingly letting in along with the drugs? It was during the same time frame that you and I were talking that Judicial Watch came across the ISIS and drug cartel base camp near El Paso. I am sure you asked yourself how many facilities like this one exist and if there are any inside of the United States? There are and they are now working with foreign entities inside the United States. When we make our token busts, we frequently come upon the involvement of Russian and Chinese national who are in this country and they are immediately released by DOJ and DHS. It is starting to look like one big and happy criminal enterprise family that is international in scope but does enjoy the protection of the Obama administration.

Your article about a multi-pronged attack including a Red Dawn element is close to what I know to be a real possibility and this is the advanced force designed to disrupt command and control in the coming war. The sad thing is that many agents suspect this and we are powerless to expose it. Congress has been tipped off and they show no interest.  A lot of the reason that I think you are correct about what you have recently written, are the paramilitary base camps in and around San Salvador which have now spread to Honduras. this is a growing problem and growing concern. These terrorists have been trained on stingers and 50 cal weapons. They are also serving as drug transport entities.

In the past couple of days since Director Comey announced he was reopening the investigation on Mrs. Clinton, I have had several advanced warnings of what was coming. The Clintons have fallen into disfavor with important entities- groups.

My colleagues believe that more than Mrs. Clinton is being targeted and that there are unknown actors looking to commit a hostile takeover of the Clinton Foundation because the Clintons have stepped on important toes in the international drug and gun trade, in particular, in Peru, which is the conduit between Middle East terrorists and the cartels.  As I have told you before, my associates on the FBI drug task force(s) tell me that this reopening of the investigation is not the result of Director Comey being pressured to act against Mrs. Clinton from within the FBI, as many publications have insinuated. The sudden turning of Director Comey against Mrs. Clinton is motivated by forces outside of the FBI. At least that is what we are being led to believe and I think it is so. Any agent that would launch an investigation into any of the areas that I have mentioned here would be finished or worse.

I have spoken with some who participated in the original email investigation. When the emails led to guns and drugs, the emails were destroyed and this line of the investigation was reduced to a series of meaningless leads. I know this for a fact because we had some of the same information.

Everyone of the agents will privately admit that the first FBI investigation was designed to produce exoneration for Mrs. Clinton. My people are aware of this because some of the subject matter involved money laundering from drug and gun operations.  Don’t make the mistake in believing that this present investigation is any more or any less honest that the last one. Of course, you should also not believe what you are reading and seeing in the press. The Clinton duo is being taken down for reasons that are unknown to me by forces that I have to come to believe control Director Comey and AG Lynch. In one of your most recent articles you talked about Clinton being elected and then indicted. This opens an endless universe of possibilities about how the transition of power will be handled in January.

Many of us believe that the United States is about to become a thinly veiled narco-terrorist state, the biggest in the history of the world. I could see cartel members, of their representatives visiting the White House in this next administration. At present in the DEA, we are most often cast into the role of blocking legitimate investigations in these areas. Some fear that we will soon become facilitators. To date, that role has always been fulfilled by the CIA. However, we think it is going to permeate the ranks of my agency. By the way Dave, you have claimed to have contact with another DEA source during the time we were speaking. Be careful, trolls abound with false information.

I strongly believe that Hillary could be indicted. I think that what you have written about the possible scenarios following an indictment is possible, but that part is unknown and unconfirmed from my perspective. I do know that the FBI investigators with our assistance are still being limited in what they can look at. I have been contacted for information related to past drug investigations only to have the requests prepared and the FBI no longer shows any interest in the information, particularly if it is drug related.  Any investigation that includes drug trafficking and money laundering seems to still be out of bounds. The Weiner angle is laughable but they may make it stick.  It appears to some that it is open season on Hillary Clinton at the Bureau with regard to these emails.

It is my belief that if Mrs. Clinton survives this latest round, and I do not think she will, we are going to see a massive purge in the government like this country has ever seen. I have given you a lot to digest so I am going to close for now.

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Posted by on 10/31/2016 in Corruption at Work!, Crime Watch, Crime!, Money Laundering, Politics


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This has been the worst period in the history of the United States of America!

This has been the worst period in the history of the United States of America!

This has been the worst period in the history of the United States of America! Immigration, Clinton Foundation Scandal, Hillary Cover up, Emails deleted, Classified emails shared on an un-certified Server, Cheating, False Statements, DOJ Corruption, FBI Corruption, Voter fraud, White House cover ups, Obama’s New World Order and more!

I am ashamed to be called an American anymore. I grew up in Florida in the 1950-60’s and we had respect for The American Flag, The lords Prayer, Our National Anthem and our love of God and Country. We joined the Military when our nation was in danger, and we freely gave our time, and lives to make sure that those of us that lived afterwards had the freedoms, and blessing of our great nation! We stood for God, family and our religion of choice.  Yes, there was the period where Martin Luther King stood up and made our great nation even stronger by his sacrifice! Yet, if you look at his genius, he did this against great odds and he did not belittle himself or kill anyone, because he was a man of conviction! He sacrificed his life that you the African-Americans of today can enjoy your freedoms!

But, now you the African-Americans feel that you are owed something in return, but, Why? What have you as an individual sacrificed for your country, nothing, but who wants everything! You kill each other openly in Chicago every weekend, yet I do not hear you going out in the streets protesting this! You had rather keep the old mentality and blame someone else, especially, a policeman or a white guy. That is your easy cop out for creating a mob scene.

What has the Democratic Party ever done for the American Blacks? You speak about racial equality when you are the precise ones, along with the News Media that claim that all acts of violence are someone else’s fault. If you can name one thing that the Democratic party has done for you; let it be known; otherwise you are still a slave in bondage by that same Party you vote for and keep in office year after year!

This post is not against anyone, regardless of your color, heritage or culture. The point being made is this; you have a CHOICE! Stay where you are in your own little self-centered world; or stand-up and make a difference, change your lives and prosper. It takes you to decide, no-one can make your choice except you, and then you must live with the results!

Ask your self, self what has Obama done for me? Has my life improved, do I make more money, is Obama Care working, can you pay the premiums he has forced on you and your family? Will you accept muslims taking over your towns, cities and states? Will you allow those muslims that have been brought into your home towns to change your laws, so that you will be governed not by the Constitution of the United States, But by Sharia law? If you agree with this then you are in the right place at the right time for this to happen to you!

This is the reality of what is happening in the United States of America today! I am not saying that a Republican President will answer all of your questions; but don’t you think it is worth taking a chance on Donald Trump? As his opponent says, “What difference will it Make” perhaps in choosing Trump you will really discover the difference it makes!



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Posted by on 10/26/2016 in Crime!, Politics


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United States of America has Lost its’ way!

It is August 5, 2016, and I have not written a post in quite some time because I have been observing what has been happening in the United States of America and I am appalled! We have the first African American President and a few years ago, I thought that he would do a great job for us, but after many heartaches, I have found that it was probably our biggest mistake of all times to elect Barack Obama. He has literally destroyed our homes and our country. It is just awful what he has done to destroy our most beautiful country.

Now we are in the process of selecting a new President, and that is a most difficult challenge. The Democrats have chosen for their candidate a woman, the first woman to be running as the nominated representative of the Democratic Party, what a shame! Any other woman would have been or could have been a great thing for America, but they chose HRC the biggest liar, criminal, corrupt individual in the history of American politics. I don’t understand the American mentality when they make such ignorant decisions as this one. I suppose they are just plain stupid and think that by electing a crook everything will work out! It is hard for me to post such, but I love my country and I don’t know what to do to save her from this calamity.

Donald Trump is a businessman and he is outspoken and could be the solution for our problems at home, where we have an evaporation of jobs, lost infrastructure and open borders where we are inundated with illegal aliens coming into the USA. Yet, this is not the only set of problems that America is faced with; terrorism from ISIS and radical Islam, which our current President refuses to acknowledge. Yet they are very real and they have already penetrated our borders and have set up training facilities across our country. Obama is bringing in more and more migrants from Syria and other Muslim countries and this is now an urgent problem in many States. These Muslim migrants are causing havoc across our nation, everything American from our Flag to our National Anthem causes the Muslims anxiety and in turn, Obama and the courts agree and find all things American Offensive to the new Muslim onslaught. I guess no one believes in our freedom with rights and a Constitution that protects those rights of its citizens above and beyond non-Americans and illegals. We have lost our way, and if we (The American People) do not stand for those rights and our freedom then we will go down in flames, as the Muslim population continues to grow inside the USA, we are at the point of destruction and this is exactly what Obama wants to happen.

It is time to get rid of this Muslim President and regain our self-dignity and position in the free world, as a leader that is strong, and based on Christian values and brotherhood. Where one can enjoy home, freedom, prosperity, and religion of choice.

I ask that all Americans stand up and fight for our Country, our Freedom and our way of life! We are not destined to worship Allah or any other false god or idol but the one God, Jesus Christ, who is the Kind of Kings and Lord of Lords for all mankind!

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Posted by on 08/05/2016 in Civil Unrest, Politics, Terroism


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Chapo “The Fight is on” ISIS!

Chapo “The Fight is on” ISIS!

Mexican drug lord Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzman has a lot of enemies: the Mexican government, the Drug Enforcement Administration, Donald Trump.

But now the world’s most powerful drug trafficker is taking one what is arguably the world’s most feared organization, ISIS.

Chapo’s anger toward the radical jihadist group does not stem from some sense of altruism for the victims of the recent attacks in Paris or San Bernardino, but instead from concerns about his bottom line after ISIS destroyed several of his Sinaloa Cartel’s drug shipments moving through the Middle East.

In a harshly worded email to ISIS, which was leaked by the website Cartel Blog, Guzmán sent a stark warning to ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi about messing with the cartel’s business.

“You [ISIS] are not soldiers,” Guzmán purportedly wrote. “You are nothing but lowly p**. Your god cannot save you from the true terror that my men will levy at you if you continue to impact my operation.”

Guzmán added: “My men will destroy you. The world is not yours to dictate. I pity the next son of a whore that tries to interfere with the business of the Sinaloa Cartel. I will have their heart and tongue torn from them. It looks like it’s on.”

The Sinaloa Cartel is considered the world’s largest drug trafficking organization, with operations running throughout the Americas, Europe, Africa, Australia and Asia. In the Middle East, the cartel has become a major provider of cocaine, ecstasy and other so-called party drugs to oil-rich princes and businessmen throughout the region.

Islamic State fighters, however, abhor the use of drugs and have systemically been destroying any cartel shipments they get their hands on.

While the group is prolific on social media and in their video output, ISIS has so far not responded to the threats from Guzmán.

In his letter, Guzmán also hints that if he succeeds in destroying the terrorist group then he should be given immunity from prosecution. Guzmán made a highly-publicized escape earlier this year from a maximum security prison in Mexico, where he was awaiting trial on drug trafficking charges.

“It would be ironic that the group who ends up taking out ISIS is El Chapo’s drug cartel!” Guzmán reportedly wrote. “They seem up to the task and it could be worth giving immunity to this guy in exchange for him and his boys taking out ISIS once and for all!

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Posted by on 12/11/2015 in Crime!, Latin America Drug kingpins, Mexican Drug Cartels, Terroism


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In search for Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán


Chapo Sinaloa Lady

Mexican Marines are nipping at the heels of Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán’s – or at least that’s what the minister overseeing the Marines believes.

Since Oct. 6, thousands of soldiers have been sent to the area known as Mexico’s “Golden Triangle,” the remote, mountainous region where the states of Chihuahua, Durango and Sinaloa converge.

Most of them parachuted in.

The operation was reportedly triggered by information provided to Mexican authorities by U.S. drug agents who were monitoring cell phone activity.

Around 200 people from the region, presumably scared of getting caught in the crossfire between the Marines and the Sinaloa Cartel’s sicarios, have fled to the town of Cosalá.

“The Marines told us that they want to capture the Lord,” they told reporters, and mentioned talking about soldiers attacking civilians.

“People are frightened,” Cosalá’s representative in the state legislature, Lucero Sánchez López, told TV reporters, adding that at least eight people were missing.

The most interesting fact about Sánchez  is that she has been identified by the Mexican press and the Attorney General’s office, as Chapo’s newest lover and the mother of his youngest child, an allegation she has consistently denied.

For its part, SEMAR says there haven’t been any civilian attacks, but it doesn’t deny that the Marines are carrying out an operation in that sector of Sinaloa and across the state line in Durango – a state that’s governed by Ricardo Ochoa, whose sister, Emma Coronel, happens to be Chapo’s current wife.

The presumed romantic relationship between the 57-year-old Guzmán – the world’s most wanted drug kingpin – and a 26-year-old, thick-lipped and light-haired member of the National Action Party (PAN) – has spread ever since June, when it was first reported that she visited Chapo in Altiplano prison, some 55 miles from Mexico City, in May when she was pregnant.

At the time, authorities at the prison lodged a complaint with PGR saying that Chapo received a visit from a woman who used a fake ID who was not his wife. For her part, Sánchez says that the woman photographed with the drug lord isn’t her.

The newspaper Excélsior, suggested that Sánchez first met Chapo in 2013, at a party in the Golden Triangle that both attended. A few months later, her former husband and the father of her two sons, Rubén Chavez, 27, was shot to death.

A few days after Chapo’s second escape from a Mexican high-security prison in July, the Attorney General’s office (PGR in its Spanish acronym) leaked to the media a statement by one of Guzmán Loera’s attorneys confirming that Sánchez  visited his client to discuss details of where and how their child would be raised.

A veteran columnist from El Universal newspaper, Ricardo Alemán, wrote, “Very little is known for a fact about Chapo’s children … What we do know is that Chapo’s youngest kid is the son of Lucero Guadalupe Sánchez López, presently a deputy in the Sinaloa Congress from the 16th district of Cosalá.”

He added, “It is also known that Mrs. Sánchez became deputy in the state congress by virtue of Chapo’s influence in Cosalá.”

Sánchez continues to deny having a relationship with Chapo. At a session of the Sinaloa Congress in July, she said the topic was “ridiculous” and condemned  the PGR’s “coarse leaks” and said she intended to “file a claim with the [Mexican] Human Rights Commission for defamation and moral injury to me, my children and the rest of my family.”

It isn’t known whether she has filed any claim or if she has been called into the PGR for questioning. Chapo’s wife, with whom the kingpin has twin daughters, has not made any public statement on the matter.

PAN leaders have stated that Sánchez will be removed from her post if it proves that she did, in fact, visit Chapo at Altiplano.

Whether or not Sánchez is involved with Chapo, few people doubt that he’s in the Golden Triangle. What’s less clear is that Mexico’s forces will be able to catch him a third time.

“There’s hardly any other place where he could feel more secure than the Golden Triangle, where he has not only friends but family and social protection,” analyst José Reveles, author of the Spanish-language book, “El Chapo: Surrender and Treason,” told Fox News Latino.

Gardenia Mendoza is a freelance reporter in Mexico City.

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Posted by on 10/17/2015 in Crime!, Mexican Drug Cartels


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Asia the Next target for the Drug Cartels

Mexican soldiers unload bundles of seized marijuana before incinerating the drugs at a military base in Tijuana, Mexico.

David Maung | Bloomberg | Getty Images
Mexican soldiers unload bundles of seized marijuana before incinerating the drugs at a military base in Tijuana, Mexico.

Latin American drug syndicates are sweeping into Asia, spurred by growing wealth, regional trade pacts that ease smuggling and some of the highest margins on offer.

Growth in the drugs trade, a significant part of an illicit economy worth more than $100 billion a year in east Asia alone, has led to a rapid rise in seizures: 254 million methamphetamine pills, for example, were intercepted in east and Southeast Asia in 2013 — a more than eight fold increase in just five years.

Officials warn that Asian law enforcement authorities are ill-equipped to cope with the rapid rise of drugs being smuggled across increasingly porous borders.

“Police and customs officials in Asia don’t often have connections in the Americas and have little knowledge of what may be coming their way,” said Jeremy Douglas, regional representative for the UN Office on Drugs and Crime. “They don’t operate internationally. They’re about to have to.”

For those who are caught, the risks outweigh the rewards, with the death penalty operating for drugs offences in several Asian jurisdictions.

The Philippines, which has debated introducing the death sentence for drug offences, is the test bed for a pioneering case next month, when Mexican national Horatio Hernandez Herrera appears in court accused of being a high-ranking member of the notorious Sinaloa drugs cartel.

At a regional meeting in Bangkok last month, representatives of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations raised red flags, saying that despite the potential for economic growth and trade, the region’s rapidly increasing connectivity could leave borders vulnerable to transnational trafficking and smuggling.

“Strengthening skills, capacity and cross-border co-operation among border and port security agencies is therefore essential to counter rapidly evolving transnational crime challenges,” said Jakkrit Srivali, a top official with Thailand’s foreign affairs ministry.


Growing wealth in Asia has translated into heightened demand for cocaine, with emerging pockets of consumption, trafficking and trade, according to a report last year from the UN office.

Mexico’s infamous Sinaloa cartel, whose head Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán staged a sensational jailbreak last month, has been pinpointed as a key supplier by authorities across Asia-Pacific.

The Jalisco New Generation cartel, an aggressive newcomer to Mexico’s drug wars that achieved notoriety in recent months after shooting down a military helicopter, is also targeting markets in Hong Kong and Japan, according to Canacintra, a Mexican business chamber.

“The severe penalties, such as life imprisonment or even the death penalty, for traffickers caught in Asia are reflected in the exorbitant price of the drugs there,” organisation president Rodrigo Alpízar Vallejo told media in Mexico.

Asia-Pacific economies offer much higher profit margins than the cartel’s traditional markets. In Hong Kong, a kilogramme of cocaine can sell for up to three times the price it would in the US. In Australia, it can be as much as six times, according to police and experts.

Meanwhile, according to financial crime investigators, the cartels will be closely studying regional trade deals, such as the landmark Trans-Pacific Partnership, for clues about the liberalisation of certain routes or the reduction of tariffs on certain goods, which could be used to hide contraband and assist in the trade-based repatriation of smuggling profits.

“Anything that is going to increase the volume of trade, the efficacy of trade, is also going to increase the opportunity and bandwidth of criminals to move their products and launder funds,” said Bill Majcher, who worked with American and Canadian federal police.

“Over the past few decades I have seen a dramatic increase in trade-based laundering closely correlated with the opening up of transnational trade zones and treaties,” said another investigator, who asked to remain anonymous due to ongoing operations.

Robert Evan Ellis, professor of Latin American Studies at the US Army War College and an expert on the region’s relations with China, said the deal would “expand opportunities for transpacific organised crime by increasing trade volume, and the number of banks and companies doing transpacific transactions”.

However, he noted that regional ties fostered by the deal would “indirectly help increase law enforcement and transpacific legal frameworks that will help combat the cartels”.

Credit; Bryan Harris Financial Times

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Posted by on 09/25/2015 in Crime!, Mexican Drug Cartels


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