21 July 2009

Birds and nonsense

Lavish birds and a pile of bugs in the leaves of the pavement. Crap is all around and sometimes in your nose when you bleed the goo of your greed. The new was, the no longer see, winds come set me free. Vanity in the pole, blasted visor in the wondering sun.
Image info: cartoon network

7 October 2008

Tangled Knot of Candys

Eyes of candy from the funny town.
Monopoly money in a bed of diamonds.
Handicap of trust covered by a booby trap.
Tangled mind in a knot of keys.

24 April 2008

Pure Psychosis in a blind alley

Pure mad house psicology in a mind I call home.
Blind is the traffic of thoughts in the acid bath.
Synthetic dreams made of a purist form.
Fast relay in a slow motion string.

2 December 2007

Shiny active text

Mindless text, active diurnal rapid eye movement.
My mind is flooded with shiny parallel metal rods of pornographic images.
I need a sleeping pill, I need a push into the night void.
Caffeine is my sleep pallbearer.

6 September 2007

Further nonsensic automorphism: part2

Be death, some bungle in a crowbar.
It's Boeing! A summery collapsible air mass farce.
Be abysmal! May a canny thought shape up your shame.
My sentimental background is ephemerid.
Prompt, will be the Dead, my pallbearer.
I found true a flagellant ruin.

20 April 2006

I can stop thinking

Wanted profession. Out, or prison night.
I wanted to reply, but night use disappoint.
Gym happened or sugar slave me?
Nothing bought, but added by a bad slow force.
Human arms beyond back, because of wrong music pride.
A Leader added music to is speaking supposition.
Happened love, friends tying?
A Fly raise somewhere later.
Arms and money, a bad reply.

Image taken from Tim Burton's movie, Nightmare before christmas

11 April 2006

Politicamente correcto

Toca a assoar o ranho que entope as vias de comunicação por volta desta altura. Uma tolice de invenção. Ao menos se fosse socialmente aceitavel puxar o ranho tipo escarreta de alta densidade do fundo do coração, em plenos pulmões e em plena assembleia da republica, eu aí... ainda deixava de mandar pastilhas de cálcio para o marques mendes, ou um nimed para a garganta roca do nosso pseudo rei, ou ainda um dicionario de choques electricos que dispara com os "esseses" do carlos carvalhaseses.

7 March 2006

Inside out

The beloved, but not a hepatica block.Be death, a ruin in a crowbar edge. It's a Boeing, a collapsible farce! The air mass tries to reach the summer.Be abysmal. It might let you out of den.My background it's ephemerid. One day I’ll try to leave without delay and see myself revere in a stairway.

4 March 2006

Ser sujo

Ser sujo é:
mudar de camisola;
lamber as botas;
por a mão nos ombros alheios;
sorrir com todos os dentes da boca, amarelecidos pelo fumo alheio;
falar manso ao ouvido e berrar na esquina;
limpar a caspa dos ombros antes de entrar na sala.

26 February 2006

O flagelo da sociedade

A parvónia é pior que o ranho. Não se pode assoar, engolir ou limpar à camisola. Entope o cérebro como a cera no ouvido. Cega como o pó do vento. E impede-nos de coçar o cu quando pensamos.